Schedule Concussion Treatment Today!

At Aptiva Health, our concussion team is renowned for their ability to effectively diagnose and treat concussions. Our team of concussion experts have trained at some of the most prestigious concussion treatment facilities around the world and are leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of concussions. If you suspect you or a loved one has suffered a concussion, do not wait! Early diagnosis, intervention, and treatment is integral to a successful and expedited recovery following a TBI. According to research, patients who do not see a doctor specializing in concussions within the first week after injury are nearly 10 times more likely to have a prolonged recovery. Even older injuries with lingering symptoms can be treated with appropriate specialty care.

Our Concussion Care Team

Lisa Manderino, PhD
Director of Concussion Care

Simon Hoehn, PT, DPT
Director of Physical Therapy

Robert Williams, MD
General & Sports Medicine

Jared Simpson, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist

Jonathan Preszler, PhD

Helen Jiang, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist

Cash vs Insurance

You have a health insurance card in your wallet or purse, so why would you ever consider pulling out cash instead of handing over your card? Well, the answer might surprise you. As you’ve likely learned by now, health insurance is confusing. It’s almost like someone (“cough, the insurance company”) is trying to keep the average person from knowing how, when, and why they should utilize their insurance. It’s a benefit you, or your employer, likely pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for each month, but in reality, it might not always provide the average consumer/patient, with the best option financially. Understand why paying cash might actually be the best option for you. Next time you’re at your doctor’s office, ask for the cash pay price before handing over your card!

New Patient Welcome Video

We accept the following insurances. 

Questions? Call us today!