Meet Monica Rosa, PT

Monica Rosa is a highly accomplished Physical Therapist with over 20 years of experience, blending a wealth of knowledge with a commitment to excellence. Graduating with honors from the University of Puerto Rico, Monica's dedication to her craft has earned her recognition and acclaim on a national level.

Monica is Integrative Dry Needling certified, showcasing her expertise in various modalities such as cupping massage, the Mulligan Concept, and acupuncture without needles (ETPS). She has pursued advanced studies in holistic nutrition, pain management for headaches, and specialized injury care for runners and dancers.

Her professional journey has been diverse, with roles ranging from management to marketing, reflecting her versatility and leadership capabilities.

Monica has been prominently featured in therapy magazines for her exceptional work in addressing dancer's injuries in her native island.

Monica is fluent in both English and Spanish, allowing her to connect seamlessly with a broad range of clients. Her commitment to a client-centered and holistic approach aims to empower individuals to achieve and sustain their health goals. Beyond conventional methods, Monica prioritizes a comprehensive perspective that addresses the overall well-being of her clients.

With a passion for helping others and a reputation for excellence, Monica Rosa stands as a bilingual beacon of expertise in the realm of Physical Therapy, embodying the principles of holistic health and personalized care.

Monica I. Rosa PT, WHC, Physical Therapy Women's Holistic Health Coach

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