How Physical Therapy Can Help with Concussion Recovery

Physical therapy can play a valuable role in the management and rehabilitation of individuals with a concussion. Here's how physical therapy can help:

Symptom management

Physical therapists can assist in managing concussion-related symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, balance problems, and visual disturbances. They use techniques like manual therapy, gentle exercises, and modalities to reduce pain, improve circulation, and alleviate discomfort.

Vestibular rehabilitation

Vestibular dysfunction is a common consequence of concussions. Physical therapists trained in vestibular rehabilitation can assess and treat related balance issues and . They employ specialized exercises and techniques to retrain the vestibular system, promoting improved balance, coordination, and reduced dizziness.

Visual rehabilitation

Concussions can impact visual function, causing problems with eye tracking, focusing, and visual processing. Physical therapists can address these visual disturbances through specific exercises and activities designed to improve eye movements, visual tracking, and coordination.

Graduated exercise program

Physical therapists develop customized exercise programs tailored to the individual's symptoms, limitations, and stage of recovery. These programs gradually reintroduce physical activity while monitoring symptoms and avoiding overexertion. The goal is to gradually improve physical stamina, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.

Education and activity modification

Physical therapists provide education on activity modification and lifestyle adjustments to promote optimal recovery. They advise on strategies to manage symptoms, such as pacing activities, taking breaks, and avoiding triggers that exacerbate symptoms.

Neck and cervical spine rehabilitation

Certain injuries that cause concussion can also cause neck injuries, such as a motor vehicle accident causing both whiplash and concussion. For that reason, many patients with concussion may also be experiencing neck pain and stiffness. Physical therapists can assess and treat neck-related issues through manual therapy techniques, exercises, and posture correction. Addressing neck dysfunction can help alleviate headaches, improve range of motion, and reduce associated symptoms.

Return-to-sport guidance

Physical therapists play a role in facilitating a safe and gradual return to sports or physical activity. In collaboration with the multidisciplinary team, they aid in assessing an individual's readiness, monitoring symptoms during exercise progression, and providing guidance on when it is appropriate to resume specific activities.

Multidisciplinary collaboration

Physical therapists often work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as neurologists, neuropsychologists, and primary care physicians, to provide comprehensive care for individuals with concussion. Collaborative efforts ensure a holistic approach to recovery and address various aspects of the condition. Multidomain evaluation and treatment with a multidisciplinary team is the gold standard in concussion care.

It's important to note that each individual's treatment plan may vary based on their specific symptoms, functional limitations, and goals. Physical therapists with expertise in concussion management can tailor the treatment approach to address the unique needs of each patient.