5 Things You Need to Consider After a Chronic Illness Diagnosis

Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis can be a shock and a relief, all at the same time. You might be grateful to have an explanation for your symptoms, but adjusting to the reality of your new life isn’t easy. By seeking a consultation with our Mental Wellness specialist, we can help you overcome some of the mental hurdles associated with a chronic illness diagnosis. Plus, these tips will help you find an accessible place to live, get the right insurance policy for your needs, and keep your symptoms under control.

Consider Moving to an Accessible Property

Perhaps your symptoms have made it difficult for you to live comfortably in your current home, especially if you’ve had to start using a mobility aid. Finding a home that has already been modified for accessibility can be tough, so you’ll need to be patient as you research your local market and consider which homes to tour. You’ll definitely want to talk to a real estate agent for guidance - as you interview potential agents, ask them if they have previously helped home buyers purchase accessible properties before.

Understand Your Current Insurance Coverage

There’s no denying that health insurance plans can be confusing. Before your diagnosis, you might not have paid close attention to the specific treatments and services that your plan would cover - but now, you’ll need to dig into the nitty-gritty details of your policy to ensure that you have the coverage you need.

If you’re working as a freelancer or you’re a small business owner, making sure that you have adequate insurance coverage can get even more complicated! However, even if you don’t have employer-provided health insurance, you do have some options. You could enroll in a marketplace insurance plan or a policy through the Freelancers Union, and you do not have to worry about being denied for a pre-existing condition. If you’re married, your partner could add you to their plan. Additionally, if you only left traditional employment recently, you might be eligible for COBRA, but it’s worth noting that these plans can be prohibitively expensive.

Communicate Openly With Your Doctor

Do you have questions about your diagnosis, treatment, or anything else pertaining to your health? Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor - communication is key! If your doctor isn’t being transparent or cooperative, or your symptoms are still severe despite treatment, VeryWellHealth recommends talking to another doctor for a second opinion.

Ask for Help - Or Hire Services

You don’t have to struggle in silence. If you need help running errands, driving to appointments, or tackling household tasks, ask your friends and family for assistance. If you have wiggle room in your budget, you could consider paying for services like grocery delivery or house cleaning.

Don’t Forget to Practice Self-Care

When you have a chronic medical condition, self-care is of the utmost importance. Making time to unwind and relax can help alleviate your symptoms and banish stress. Anxiety and stress can exacerbate your symptoms, so self-care can be a powerful tool in your overall approach to treatment. The Health Sessions recommends focusing on your basic needs first, like eating well, getting gentle exercise, taking necessary supplements, and making a little time for indulgent habits, like taking long bubble baths! You may also want to meet with a therapist. They can help you accept your diagnosis, shift your mindset, and focus on your personal strengths.

Keeping up with your responsibilities while managing your symptoms can be hard. You need support and guidance to care for your health. But by investing in a good health insurance plan, finding somewhere comfortable to live, and asking for help, you can thrive even with a chronic condition.

About the author: Cheryl Conklin