Baseline Concussion Testing

Baseline concussion testing measures your brain function in a normal, healthy state, prior to any injury or suspected concussive event.

In the event you are diagnosed with a concussion at a later time, Dr. Robert Williams and Dr. Thomas Huhn will utilize your baseline concussion testing results to aid in their treatment protocol and treatment decisions. It will also impact the individualized treatment algorithm for you based on the comparison between your baseline and post-injury ImPACT test.

Our Concussion Care Team

Lisa Manderino, PhD
Director of Concussion Care

Jonathan Preszler, PhD

Robert Williams, MD
General & Sports Medicine

Simon Hoehn, PT, DPT
Director of Physical Therapy

Jared Simpson, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist

Helen Jiang, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist

ImPACT Baseline Testing

At Aptiva Health Sports Medicine, we utilize the ImPACT program for both baseline and post-injury concussion testing. The baseline ImPACT® test is a equivalent to a preseason physical of the brain for athletes, or other individuals, that tracks information such as memory, reaction time, speed, and concentration. It's not an IQ or full neuropsychological evaluation, but rather a tool that can be compared with a later ImPACT test taken after a suspected concussion.

What do baseline concussion tests measure?

ImPACT baseline testing assesses an individual’s visual and verbal memory, reaction time, and processing speed before a head injury.

How often should concussion baseline testing be repeated?

Research suggests that baseline testing should be completed annually.

Concussion Testing Louisville

Who benefits from concussion baseline testing?

In short, all parties involved in the testing benefit. The test taker benefits from getting highly-personalized and tailored concussion care that may result in faster recovery in the event of a head injury.
The schools or organizations administering baseline testing benefit from knowing they’re giving their students, employees, or frontline responders the best possible chance of a quick and successful recovery if a concussion occurs. It also helps protect schools, organizations, clubs, and employers from liability when utilized properly as part of a comprehensive concussion protocol.
The healthcare provider benefits from having an additional piece of objective information that helps them understand an individual’s pre-injury state. Having this information allows them to more accurately identify cognitive deficits the patient is experiencing and return them to their “normal”.

Is ImPACT baseline testing valid and reliable?

Research and empirical data support the importance of using valid and reliable tools for concussion baseline testing and post-concussion care. ImPACT is research-backed and has received clearance from regulatory bodies worldwide. Additionally, ImPACT has built in validity indicators to detect sandbagging, which is when a test taker is not putting forth their best effort.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does baseline testing cost?

At Aptiva Health, baseline imPACT testing costs $25.00. Post-injury ImPACT testing is performed as part of your visit to one of our Concussion Specialists and is billed separately to the patient or their insurance as part of that visit. You can call 1-844-999-3627 to schedule baseline or post-injury ImPACT testing.

who should get a baseline test?

We offer ImPACT testing to patients from 5-65 years old. We recommend baseline testing for all athletes, especially those who have been diagnosed with a learning disability or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), those who struggle with academics and school, and those who are above average in intellectual and academic abilities. We also highly encourage first responders, active-duty military, and persons with a higher propensity for head injuries to be tested.

Most athletes should have a baseline ImPACT test every year at the start of each sport season.

Questions? Call us today! 1-844-999-3627